Saturday, July 10, 2010

Keep drinking that coffee

I have learned (once again for the millionth time) that spending time with Jesus and soaking with Him is the most important thing. Hands down. Everything else is amazing too (healing, prophecy, miracles, signs and wonders, dancing, reading the Bible, ect.) and Jesus loves it, but it should never replace hanging out with Him.

How many blogs have I written about this? Hm?

I don't want to be a Martha, I want to be a Mary. Let us see if I will have to learn this once again ;-)

It's like I forget about coffee time. I forget that all I need to do is abide, and if I'm supposed to do something, Jesus will let me know.

Even though Caleb reminded me of this a few days ago, I just finally entered into this realization last night. I suddenly felt myself relax and trust a little more. Trust, Faith... these are the things I need to work on during this season of my life. I am supposed to stop being so active in His presence for the time being and realize that He really is taking care of me. That His words are true and real in my life. Do you know that I have the hardest time believing that He already has everything taken care of? I do. THIS is what I'm supposed to learn during my times with Him right now. If I don't have a strong faith in what He is doing in my life and is going to do, then I won't be able to enter into it when the time comes.

Been listening to some old Lifehouse during my soaking times. Been rocking my world!

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