Monday, March 21, 2011

Praise the Lord! Praise Him!

I'm going to intercession meetings once a week that were started by my friend, Josiah. Last night God said, "Tomorrow you need to call Josiah and tell him that you aren't supposed to be involved in what he is going to be doing. You can still go to the intercession meetings though. This is what you should say to him...."

Today I talked to him and told him what God had told me. Josiah said, "Well, that's funny, because I was actually going to call you later today because I'm trying to get a team together to go down to this church that is [a ways away] and minister there. I was going to ask if you wanted to be a part of it."

God gave me my answer before Josiah had even told me about this trip and had asked me to come. He is so faithful! This is just further confirmation that I will never miss out as long as I keep my eyes on Jesus.

Last night I crawled in bed after an wonderful, but exhausting day, of praying with Mom and old friends. I had not been in bed long when I started thinking about the recent and old promises God has given me about traveling. I thought, "Just because some of the promises were given to me years ago does not mean they will not come to pass." God then said, "Get up and give me gratitude!" I knew that God was telling me to go ahead and thank Him for what He has yet to do, but is going to do, in my life. I was to thank Him for the promises that were sure to be kept. Suddenly wide awake, I got up and thanked God over and over for what He is doing in my future that I can't even see yet.

The promises He has made to us are real, no matter the time they were given. He is faithful to the end and has perfect timing. He knows the plan He has for us. We don't have to be afraid.

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