Saturday, March 19, 2011

"You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect."

Luke 12:40

I write this because I believe what is given to me will also be given to you. As the Bride we are all connected through Jesus Christ.

Thursday I was driving around when I heard God say, "You are not carrying the burdens you've been given."

I knew that God was referring to the conversation we'd had Tuesday morning. It had been 2 days and I had not once taken the time to wait and listen to what God was saying, intercede, or learn more about fasting. I knew that this was because I kept doing other things, thinking that they were more important. I kept seeing people around me with jobs and physical tasks and thought that I should be doing the same, even though every time I asked God about this I only heard, "Wait. Just wait. You aren't missing your destiny."

I talked through this with Mom Friday night. I then realized that my current job IS praying and fasting. This is what Christ has given me to do. This is what I will do.

Last night I was thinking about a wonderful friend of mine and suddenly I thought, "Maybe I'm loving her too much." I am having to work right now at being open to the friendships that Jesus has provided for me right now. Sometimes they seem too good to be true, and I've been hurt multiple times, so I tend to expect the worse and put up walls to protect myself. Not wanting to shut out what God was giving me, but not quite sure if this friend was from him, I asked, "God, am I loving her too much?" He said, "No. You're not loving her enough."

This not only freed me to open myself up more to my friend, it also made me think of other friends in my life, family, and my enemies. I thought, "If I'm not loving the person, who I already love so much, enough, than the love I have for a lot of other people must be much smaller than it should be. I can't even seem to take the time to pray for my enemies!"

I remembered the vision I recorded here in the blog "I am the same as this man, my enemy" last September. I have greatly neglected praying for my enemies and loving them the same as myself and my friends. I feel that this is also part of the "burden" that God rebuked me for not carrying. There is much to do and little time to do it if I delay further.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and You will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

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